Meeting President
Takaaki Suzuki, Saitama Medical University International Medical Center, Japan
July 7th – 8th, 2023
Pacifico Yokohama North, Kanagawa, Japan
“Next Stage”
Main Theme of the 3rd AAPCHS Annual Meeting
Four years have passed since the establishment of the AAPCHS in 2019. Although many of our activities have been hampered by the Covid-19 pandemic, now we get able to hold our third annual meeting completely in person. With the number of participating Asian countries increasing and the number of members growing, we believe that it is time for the AAPCHS to move on to the next stage, and we have chosen “Next Stage” as the main theme of this annual meeting. This is because we believe that it is the mission of the AAPCHS to provide the latest information from Asia to the world and to educate Asian young surgeons in order to raise the activity of pediatric cardiac surgery field in Asia.