On behalf of the Organizing Committee of the 2nd Annual Scientific meeting of the Asian Association of Pediatric and Congenital Heart Surgeons in Conjunction with 22nd MATCVS Annual Scientific Meeting, we would like to extend our warm welcome to all of the presenters and participants, and in particular, we would like to express our sincere gratitude to our invited speakers. This international conference is is intended to be the first step towards a top-class conference on Cardiovascular surgery for Adult and Paediatric. The theme for this meeting is “Heart Valve Solutions in the 21st century”.
We believe that this international conference will give opportunities for sharing ideas and opinions, gaining inspiration for future research in the management of heart valve lesions for congenital and acquired heart diseases. Amongst both the congenital and adult cardiac surgeons in the region of Asia. The aim of this conference is to enable practicing thoracic and cardiovascular surgeons, cardiothoracic anaesthetists, perfusionist, trainees and other allied health professionals to keep up to date on the current practice and recent advances in heart valve surgery for both in the adult and the pediatric population.
We anticipate your active participation for our coming 2nd Annual Scientific meeting. We would like to seek your kind assistance to disseminate the conference information to your contacts.
As we are still in a state of uncertainty looming towards the tail end of the pandemic, the meeting is being held on a hybrid platform. The meeting will be run on a virtual platform. However, we do welcome participants who are in the capacity to attend the meeting in person to register for the meeting to enable live participation. Please log in to the link below for conference and registration details. https://matcvs.org.my/matcvs2022/

Dr Sivakumar Sivalingam
Organizing Chairman